Thursday, December 23, 2004

Would you like to join my army?

I'm tired of gangs. Not like the gangs of New York gangs - they had axes, funny hats, long knives, black hearts and plans to kill. The gangs I unfortunately have experience with are pathetic, awkward, deceiving - just for the fun of it gangs. They're disguised too - like the wolf in sheep’s clothing but they have one more layer. They start off as SHEEP disguised in wolf clothing disguised again as SHEEP.
I guess sheep need to stick together but I don't want to have any part of it. SO BACK OFF.
People can be kind.


R. said...


However, when you were describing the Gangs of New York thing, I could only refer to the commercials. Never saw the actual movie! :P

POWER TO THE SHEEP!... in wolves clothing... dressed as sheep... that are actual sheep...

Meghan said...

no...NOT power to the sheep. WILL NO ONE LISTEN!?

R. said...

Well u did say that the only one who listens is ur blog.


No power to the sheep.

Power to the turtles!