Monday, May 19, 2008

Good afternoon!

Hello world! I changed my blogs name a while ago and I haven't left a new post since. So, I thought it was time. The weather is nice and I bought flowers for our balcony. Good times are being had. I will update more later.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I'm not unfaithful but I'll stray

I'm just as dramatic as I tell you not to be. Why take things as they come when instead you can cry and cry and cry.

If you stress, why not scream? If your head hurts, why not take the whole bottle?

I'm not tired of us but I'm tired of this and I'm not giving up on this so I might give up on us.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Come on let's go

Just now I selected "Album" on my iPod and the two albums that happened to come up first were Grab that Gun and Give Up.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Touched for the very first time

I'm going to break you. One day, you'll see. And your going to hate me. But the question is are you happy with just this--nothing more, nothing less--you want more? Or will you want less when you discover that I'm still discovering myself--looking for that girl.

You're probably happy right now. I'm happy now with that touch. But no Us--I'm searching and when I find it what will happen? I will break you, one day. You'll see.

I'm having fun--no strings, no commitment, no rules. Are you that type?

My yoga instructor tells me to live in the Now and I choose to do just that. What do you choose?


Sunday, February 10, 2008


According to someone, someone thinks I'm FLIGHTY.

Definitions of flighty (

  • guided by whim and fancy; "flighty young girls"
  • skittish: unpredictably excitable (especially of horses)

  • Especially of horses!!! I don't want to be flighty. I want to be the depressed girl in the corner who is mysteriously quiet - and when she does make a noise it's either in the form of a grunt or in order to say something simplistically thoughtful. CRY

    To do this week:
    • Purchase black eyeliner
    • Buy a new wardrobe -- colour scheme: black
    • Consider throwing away dangly rainbow coloured heart earrings
    • Find a self help book focusing on how to "play it cool"
    • Start reading that book of poetry
    • Write at least one depressing/deep/thoughtful poem
    • Get a piercing/tattoo (tattoo ideas: dead cat??? Angelina Jolie's face??) --- watch Miami Ink tomorrow.
    • Find a depressed, thoughtful, sexy girl to act as my mentor -- find one at Soda? Maybe on Thursday??
    • Ask landlord if paining my room black is an option
    • Give two weeks notice at work - New job ideas: The Roasterie, Hot Wax....
    • Sell car
    • Buy beat up used car or bike

    Sunday, January 13, 2008


    you're half crazy

    and unpredictable

    it's always a mystery what you're going to do next

    that's why it's so much fun being around you

    Aww. Seriously I'm blushing over here.


    I'm mad at everyone and everything right now. Mad mad mad. GRRR. And NO I don't know why. I'm hoping writing this will help me get over far it's not working. Go away and leave me alone.

    Thursday, January 10, 2008

    microwaving vegetables is a fine art that I obviously have not mastered

    Seriously! I miss the days of stoves! And pots! And water! And steam!

    Jerks all of them.

    Maybe I'll get a hotplate for work. Hide it under my desk or something.

    OK back to -- soggy, half cooked -- lunch I go.

    Wednesday, January 09, 2008

    You want a piece of me?

    Yes please.

    Mark your calendars. On January 8, 2008 I bought my first song from the iTunes Store. And what was the song you ask? A question similar to "what was the first record you ever bought?"And a question my children will ask when I'm old and a question, when I'm elderly, my friends will ask as we're smoking cigars, yelling at children and petting cats together.

    And I will answer with pride: Piece of Me by Britney Spears. OMG - what a great song. So edgy, sexy and motivational - similar to my own personal qualities.

    Pop Quiz. What are the two things Cuba is known for? Cars and ______. Drinky you're not aloud to participate.

    And I think that's all for now. Catch you latter.

    Tuesday, January 08, 2008

    It turns out I'm bad for the heart

    So I went to China and came back to Calgary. And I'm up late and I should go to bed. Life is so silly. Diana Krall's Christmas Songs suddenly started playing on my laptop without any warning. It's bringing back memories and I feel weird letting it play...mostly because it's January.

    What would you do if you were lost on a rocky mountain surrounded by mist? Seriously...I'm not sure what I'd do. I think I just sit down and cry a little.

    My Aunt Martha says she thinks I'm a real live angel.