Wednesday, December 01, 2004

I haven’t spooned with anyway for a while. Except with my pillow and it works pretty well.

Update on my life:
People are getting the impression I am in love. And frankly it's beginning to worry me. The last one, who happens to live in Singapore, suggested that I might be and he hadn't even been talking to any other of the Love Suggestors. I'm sure it must be a conspiracy and I'm not sure how I feel about it. Maybe the next step is convincing *myself* I am in love. As I said to the Sing. Boy I am in love with the thought of being in love and I’m not even sure how true that is.
Oh on the way home I remembered these bizarre people I saw at work last Saturday. It freaked me out! I swear they were part of the mafia. Now, my evidence isn't that strong, yet.
There was this huge family (I'm guessing they were a family who knows) of about 15 people walking around in stores and mostly just standing around or sitting in front of my store. Big men with pot bellies and watchful (?) eyes and well dressed daughters with...those eyes! They were looking around and being more…it’s hard to explain…being more watchful/rich/casual/independent/gang like than...most normal people usually are. Oh oh! Did I mention they were all using walky-talkies? Every family member with one could hear what everyone else was saying. And the big mafia dad was talking to some guy who wasn’t there and then the well dressed daughter would casually lift up the walky-talky and say a word or two and then go back to chewing her ditzy gum and looking rich and casual and independent. Then the mafia family just disappeared.
Ok that's either one cool family... a money conserving family (hence the walky-talkies....or (the one I'm going with) one EXTREME MAFIA FAMILY. They reminded me of that show the Sopranos...not that I've ever watched an episode…but I can imagine.


R. said...

I think your right. MAFIA!

You in love?! Yeah right. Your as bitter and lonely as me! :P

R. said...
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Daley said...

I don't have the impression that you are in love... but I also don't send mass e-mails so maybe I have better contact with that is up. Perhaps it isn't bad to love the idea of love as long as that doesn't lead to a shotgun romance.

And they sound very mafia like. Maybe your store is being protected by them from those ruffiant rivals of yours...

R. said...

I'm a bad bad person. But I swear I'll make it up to you over christmas!! Presents galore for my M.

Talk to you later!