Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Don't throw yourself like that in front of me

Feeling: my arm pit just twitched
Song: the end of one is the loneliest number and...oh what’s next...umm...something from Falconhawk

Oh look at me I'm like those cool kids who put little song and mood updates. Hrm maybe I'll just do one big update update blog.

Eating: mandarin orange
Pants: blue jeans with the ripples (it's a love hate relationship with these guys)
Shirt: my perfectly hideous bright red "Mobil Minor hockey memories" sweater
Bum: on love seat in living room...there's nothing lovey about this love seat. It’s just me and the throw pillow. They try to make it cramped and romantic but really there's plenty of room.
Song: Something else from that soundtrack

Ok I’m done. That was hard.

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