Monday, November 01, 2004

You, me, and the organ. Love is a wonderful thing.

A boy named Ian bought me an iced tea today.
I thought about asexual people.
Got a little depressed .
After learning more about asexuals got less depressed.
Listened to my new CD and I gotta tell you. It's good.
Dark, mysterious, sexy, hot.
Ok I'll calm down.
More something I'd really like in a significant other than music.
I'll take what I can get.
For now.
It's getting a little ridiculous though.
I want some freaking love.
DON'T even think about it unless you plan to FOLLOW THROUGH.
love you.
The song's playing again. Honestly no one even says anything in it.
Just a bunch of quick breaths in and out.
Maybe that's why I think it's hot.


R. said...

Did I not offer a hump earlier!

*hump hump* puts clothes back on, walks away.

*ahem* THERE!! HAPPY NOW?!?!

*kissy kissy*

Humping you since 2002... again, still not true, but it rhymes!

Meghan said...

I don't want your freaking humps. *shudder*
I hate that word.
LOVE SWEET LOVE and I'll take the kisses. But that's all.

Daley said...

Hey Meghan... I thought you fell off the face of the Earth. I'm glad to hear that you are still alive. It's too bad that you aren't getting any love. To be fair though I'm not and I'm pretty sure I know a few others who aren't either.

Anyway, Love ya

Lisa said...

I'm not getting any love either. My horoscope says I should be though...

Meghan said...

Well have no fear. I'm still here.
That made my day Daley. Thanks.