Wednesday, October 20, 2004

your really

I may be copying this idea from *someone’s* site but, I just wanna, ok?

So, use these few words and write a little something, something...

"As much as I like spring..."

Be inspired by them, or don't be inspired by them, or don't use the words, or just write what you want.

Ok. Comment. ALL OF YOU. Please.

Thank you.

I'll um...I'll do something for one of you. The 20th caller, I mean writer will recieve a gift. Yeah a gift. Or a gift for the person’s comment I like the best. The farther away the person lives the smaller the gift. But, it will still be a gift...and something wacky... but not too wacky.

Ok I think I’ve out stayed my welcome (that sentence was brought to you by Lins and the letter P (thanks lins)). Bye.


R. said...


Daley said...

I will comment on the condition that you comment on mine. Also, I got your post card today.

Lisa said...

As much as I like spring, I don't like finals which happen in spring and always manage to fall on/or near my birthday.

Um yeah... so I used the words.

Anonymous said...

As much as I like spring,
I don't know how I feel aobut this contest thing.

To me it seems wrong,
that my prize should be small for writing this song.

Just because I live far away,
doesn't mean I'm less deserving, wouldn't you say?

-A Fan From Ghana

Anonymous said...

As much as we (Cananada) like spring, it is the root of all evil.

Citizens of Cananada