Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Can you hear me now? Good.

No wait. No good. I don’t want to hear you because you’re obviously not hearing me. I’m giving subtle clues for you to give me more than a one word response but all you have to say is ‘good.’ Frankly I don’t need your approval to go on, but you seem to need mine to move on to the next mountain top or train platform. One day I’m not going to be able to hear you and you’re going to freeze like a computer without a command – speechless.

I just want to fly away.
But I lost my wings two Halloweens ago.

State: Sleepy with a bit of crazy-rambly on the side (as you might have noticed...sorry about that).


R. said...

Perhaps I can purchase you new wings? Eh? Eh?

Anonymous said...

Lost your wings?
Aw, that's so sad.
Don't worry - you'll always be able to fly away whenever you want.