I was vacuuming the house on Friday. I got to the dinning room and there flying beside me was a fruit fly. Minding its own business if I remember correctly. I thought, "ahha! revenge." I slowly lifted up the metal hose of the vacuum and sucked up the little guy. A mixture of guilt and satisfaction came over me. One down! One less fly to worry about walking on my next juicy nectarine. Why can’t fruit fly’s like something other than fruit? I guess that would be silly. Hell, it's more their fruit then mine. It's in there name. Fruit fly versus human being isn't a fair fight. Now, if it were between Fruit Fly’s and Fruitan Beings or Fruit Humans or Human fruits.
I felt pretty guilty a few minutes after and started thinking that I'm pretty sure I wasn't supposed to decide when that fruit fly was supposed to die. Maybe he's not dead. Maybe he'll start a little fruit fly colony in the vacuum bag. Ok I'll end this rant because I'm beginning to role my eyes at it.
1 comment:
I suck up spiders.. stupid spiders! GRR!!
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