Sitting on a bench on the same train station platform. Two girls sit as well. They stare into a medium sized brown paper bag. The blonde one takes two blocks of soap out and gives them to the other. The smell has time to float down to this bench. It smells fresh, a relief from the malls recycled air.
Surrounded by rain and content girls with soap.
She gently places the cream coloured bar in a mini Kellogg’s corn flakes cereal box and crams the pink one in with more force. They live in a hazy dream where it rains all the time and there’s always a lot of fog. She starts reading the titles of songs of her CD. Blue Tears and others I can’t remember.
On the train the windows keep out the fog and the smells of romance.
They wrestle it in by keeping everything out of focus. A slow shudder speed is the key she explains to the other.
No one’s perfect though. One kills a mosquito the other talks of developing a Volkswagen van using a modern day one and all I have is Dove.
Did I just delete that comment?! Did You just delete that comment!? I hope not. That comment made my day. YES, I please easily. But still. I was all, "somebody wrote something nice!" Sniffle. Come back comment, come back.
I stalked u today!! Bwahahahahaha :P
See u monday!
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