I was reading old emails.
When I'm feeling particularly crappy my goal isn't to feel better. I listen to sad songs, look up pictures with sad titles, and read happy emails that bring back sad memories.
Really it should be the opposite to maintain a happier me. Some guy I talked to said that when he's sad he listens to happy music...to feel better...I don't get that. I don’t feel like feeling better when I don’t feel…good. I suppose I should listen to happy music and write happy emails.
Co-worker K says I complain. Well this is my blog. I'm allowed to be all moronic, complainy, and repetitive. Take that.
I GOT ME A BLOG!! Just so I could annoy u with it. it's www.myblogatblogspot.blogspot.com I'm soo cool!...
Great stuff. Complain away.
I miss my stalker :(
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