According to someone, someone thinks I'm FLIGHTY.
Definitions of flighty (google.ca)
Especially of horses!!! I don't want to be flighty. I want to be the depressed girl in the corner who is mysteriously quiet - and when she does make a noise it's either in the form of a grunt or in order to say something simplistically thoughtful. CRY
To do this week:
- Purchase black eyeliner
- Buy a new wardrobe -- colour scheme: black
- Consider throwing away dangly rainbow coloured heart earrings
- Find a self help book focusing on how to "play it cool"
- Start reading that book of poetry
- Write at least one depressing/deep/thoughtful poem
- Get a piercing/tattoo (tattoo ideas: dead cat??? Angelina Jolie's face??) --- watch Miami Ink tomorrow.
- Find a depressed, thoughtful, sexy girl to act as my mentor -- find one at Soda? Maybe on Thursday??
- Ask landlord if paining my room black is an option
- Give two weeks notice at work - New job ideas: The Roasterie, Hot Wax....
- Sell car
- Buy beat up used car or bike
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