Saturday, February 23, 2008

Come on let's go

Just now I selected "Album" on my iPod and the two albums that happened to come up first were Grab that Gun and Give Up.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Touched for the very first time

I'm going to break you. One day, you'll see. And your going to hate me. But the question is are you happy with just this--nothing more, nothing less--you want more? Or will you want less when you discover that I'm still discovering myself--looking for that girl.

You're probably happy right now. I'm happy now with that touch. But no Us--I'm searching and when I find it what will happen? I will break you, one day. You'll see.

I'm having fun--no strings, no commitment, no rules. Are you that type?

My yoga instructor tells me to live in the Now and I choose to do just that. What do you choose?


Sunday, February 10, 2008


According to someone, someone thinks I'm FLIGHTY.

Definitions of flighty (

  • guided by whim and fancy; "flighty young girls"
  • skittish: unpredictably excitable (especially of horses)

  • Especially of horses!!! I don't want to be flighty. I want to be the depressed girl in the corner who is mysteriously quiet - and when she does make a noise it's either in the form of a grunt or in order to say something simplistically thoughtful. CRY

    To do this week:
    • Purchase black eyeliner
    • Buy a new wardrobe -- colour scheme: black
    • Consider throwing away dangly rainbow coloured heart earrings
    • Find a self help book focusing on how to "play it cool"
    • Start reading that book of poetry
    • Write at least one depressing/deep/thoughtful poem
    • Get a piercing/tattoo (tattoo ideas: dead cat??? Angelina Jolie's face??) --- watch Miami Ink tomorrow.
    • Find a depressed, thoughtful, sexy girl to act as my mentor -- find one at Soda? Maybe on Thursday??
    • Ask landlord if paining my room black is an option
    • Give two weeks notice at work - New job ideas: The Roasterie, Hot Wax....
    • Sell car
    • Buy beat up used car or bike