Ok I'll admit it. I'm bored. And I really hurt. My entire body is aching. Is the weather changing? If I were you, just in case my body is trying to send us all a message, I'd prepare for some big ass snow storm tomorrow...or for a Chinook.
Umm. OK. I'm bored because I'm boring. Well...umm...I was reading some random girl's blog and she has a poll up asking women what their favorite orgasm technique is and the first place winner was oral, then intercourse and then um I think it was anal...then hand, and in last place were gadgets. There you have it! First ever bit of news on Meghanthebrave. Take note! Any girls out there who would rank them a bit differently!? Should we get a bit of a debate going on! Oh calm down I don't have a big enough "fan" base to actually start a debate.
Um, what else. Heather just came home and she is cooking something that smells very good. My guess, although probably wrong, is that it's some sort of meat sauce and pasta! Mmmm. Meat sauce.
Alright this post should have ended right after the title. But, instead, I'll end it here.
how would you rank them?
I'm not telling!
hey... you wanted to start a discussion!
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