So much for sleeping in today.
I was jolted awake by loads of pounding noises and a child cry-screaming. The, 7ish-year-old was outside banging on the window below mine and rattling the door leading in to the apartment like there was no tomorrow.
Anyway. I glared out my window for awhile trying to understand why there was a kid in his PJs wearing winter boots crying hysterically out side my window. After a second or two of waking up I realized maybe he was stuck out I got my housecoat on (his parents were probably ignoring the banging to teach him a lesson - morons) went outside and said 'what's up little guy' and he said 'I was, sniffle, bored so I, sniffle, wanted to get toys out, sniffle, of the truck.' I was worried he was going to say his parents left him out there as some sort of punishment...anyway so he went back into apartment 205 and I sat up in my bed with my heart pounding because of all that sudden craziness.
Poor kid.
we live in apartment 205...
I was (still am) sleepy when I wrote this!!! But yeah OK, he went into apt. 105.
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