Jasmine named a girl in Korea after me. I was really touched.
Jasmine said she would keep naming girls 'Meghan' if I wanted - I said OK. Korea won't know what hit it.
I decorated my giant bamboo the other day. There are lights and five ornaments draped over the poor thing - it's sagging from all the festivity.
Heather and I got a free giant '70s orange dirty couch and a matching really dirty chair for our living room. I never really thought I was a crazy germ phob. but each time I sit down on the couch (it's taking me a bit longer to warm to the chair) I feel like germs are being absorbed into my bum.
I actually screamed something like that to one of the assistants at work today. I walked into the office and forgot what I was doing there - so I sort of stopped for a second or two, thought for a bit about what I was doing and then said to that assistant "wow I forgot what I was doing for a second." She said nothing and just wrinkled up her face and made this you're-strage-and-crazy-and-I'm-bettter-than-you face. 'JUDGMENTAL' I screeched as I kept walking to finish the task I had almost forgotten. I know people like her have very small self-esteems and are only outwardly confident but my ego gets nocked down a bit every time someone like her opens their mouth. She hasn't talked to me since...she doesn't usually talk to me but I'm convinced she's mad at me.