Friday, March 10, 2006

Lets pretend I just finished watching something scary on the T.V. Well what would you do?

I feel like there are monsters in the closet and an axe murder standing behind me. I’m alone and I think all the bad guys know it.

Let’s blame this on the scary movie I watched and the large caffeinated pot of tea I drank. The music that usually cures my panic attacks isn’t working and I don’t feel like doing yoga.

I hope someone calls and scares away my overactive imagination.

I can’t stop.

There. I’m getting better the axe murder is fading…except now that I mentioned him he’s breathing on my neck.

Hunch over and grimace. Deep breaths. I’ll be fine.

I think I’m going to go read my Bible or maybe I’ll just sit here listening to all the creaks.

1 comment:

LH said...

lets try to get together... sometime!