I banged my knee hard and now there are white spots in my monitor screen.
He said *I* could have come down and now my head hurts.
Those two aren't around to hear me and now I'm writing to you, biting my lip.
fuck you.
you stubborn
pouting fool.
You've mistaken me
for someone who will babysit
your old crying eyes.
It just so happens
I guilt easily
and harp.
Thanks for not realizing that.
And instead dumping your
sins on my lap
- wishing me to
mend them.
No one can actually 'dump their sins on your lap' unless you invite them to do so. Even then, it is not your responsibility to forgive them, unless you are the person they have sinned against. All you can do is lead them in the right direction. Then pray for them. God will take care of it. He does not expect you to carry His weight, just His cross.
"Sins" was metaphorical. But, thank you for your perspective.
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