I just came back from watching a movie I can’t remember. I can’t remember the title. It was as soon as the credits started rolling. No, I felt it before then – I think you know the feeling – when your stomach lurches and your insides grown. When the hot good guy embraces that almost ordinary girl (who could almost kind of resemble you which is a good thing because that means him, or someone just like him, could almost kind of go after you too) he holds on to her and its perfect. The music is perfect, the angle is perfect but really it’s that “happily ever after,” “don’t say a word I understand you completely,” “we’re hot and we’re together,” “we share amazing kisses and long meaningful gazes as we smile with a knowledge of each other behind our lips” that makes the love in the story so desirable.
People leave theatres in fuzzy dazes. As I leave the theatre I think about how I want love like that – frozen and perfect – forever and ever. By the time I have thrown out my pop container full of ice and veer toward the bathroom I get a little grumbly.
“That will never happen. Who thought of happily ever afters anyway?”
I think, in life there has never been a love story like I just saw. No one can read minds that well or give that meaningful love gaze that perfectly shows that they’ve just discovered something – no, they’ve just discovered everything – about the other person. “From then on” doesn’t matter. That very moment, that can’t easily be put into words, shows those two are perfectly in love and will be happy and beautiful forever – just for that moment because that’s the only moment we know because the screen is about to fade to black and the credits are about to roll.
I don’t even understand who came up with “happily ever after.” Who thought of the first “everything went perfectly” love story? How can a person imagine something so completely unattainable? I want perfect tingly love because I’ve been feed that story thousands of times. If I had never been told a love story would I still have the ability to yearn for true perfect beautiful understanding love?
Some philosopher argued God must exist because humans aren’t perfect and if an imperfect being has imagined something so perfect and almightily, that thing must exist.
It seems loveless sad people have the ability to contemplate the notion of true love. So if human beings have made story after story about “happily ever after” true love has to exist, according to some dead guy I can’t even remember the name of.
1 comment:
HOLY FUCK!! I totally think that ALL the time. You put my thoughts into words ever so well.
You were reading my mind again wern't you?
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