Once upon a time there was a princess named Fran.
She laughed whenever there was a person within hearing distance.
Oh and how she laughed.
But, when she found herself alone she cried and cried.
And, oh, how she cried.
The wolves living in a cave nearby heard every one of her tears fall though.
For, Fran had forgotten about the animals.
Fran was a certain kind of Christian who thought animals didn't have souls.
So, if you cry in front of them its like you're crying in front of nothing at all.
One day a certain wolf in that near by cave got a little tired of all her lonely crying.
He choose to jump through Fran's bedroom window and pin her to the ground.
With his wolf drool dripping on her Vera Wang gown.
He growled, "I am. Therefore, I hear."
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