I'll always remember you.

Remembrance died. She is buried near one of my mom’s plants. I don't quite understand how she died but she did. I found her laying on top of her filter on Friday night. Poor thing. Then she finally stopped attempting to live Saturday afternoon.
In other news... My worth is increasing.
It was only last week when I found a sticker on my shirt that read $1.95. Now today, on the leg of my pants, I found one that read $36.99.
I think these price stickers are a sign...from someone...about something...
That’s all I have to report right now. I’ll keep you updated.
NEAR one of your mom's plants or IN your mom's pot that holds the plant?
that's right. My need to point out flaws is coming out. It shows how insecure I am with my own life.
A sign from someone about something you say... well that is almost too specific. Could you be a bit more vague next time? I really don't like things being pointed out so specifically.
Next time i will try, sir. But, the thing is I'm not too sure what the sign is.
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