There's an army of crows somewhere near by. They're being really loud. Crows freak me out. I don't know where I got the idea into my head but, I've always thought mean/evil/bad/nasty/cruel people get reincarnated into crows as some sort of punishment.
Oh also, today I left the apartment and crossed the street and suddenly this really big car barged out of the alley way, which was partially hidden from me by this big van. The giant car rolled down onto the main street and scraped the bottom of the car on the road. The big scraping sound made me jump. And then! Just when I think it's safe to cross the back alley this guy with four huge garbage full of bottles tied onto his bike zooms by - I made a mini scream sound and he had to swerve to miss me and then I felt guilty because he almost lost balance.
I'm still sick and my head feels all stuffy.