You know those things that my English teachers would make me do? She made us write non stop for 2 minutes and we weren't a loud to stop or backspace.
Kiss me better and I will wait until the sky is flying above your head and under mine you will race against time but soon the buzzer will buz or that ding will ding I wonder why time is spent day dreaming about waiting for someone to swoosh you off your tired ass when really you jut want a back rub and some hot tea I will wait until I hit one of those depressed spells I keep reading about and you keep pretending to fear about waiting is for the strong at heart its even worse to wait when you’ve waited before and finally the time came when that dinger dung but still that waiting bit has messed up priorities and no real feel of what could count as real urgency while I the greatest moper of them all waits for something she’s already waited for even I’m not sure if I’m making this clear clear clear even when you find what you’re waiting for you are forced to wait because they’re still waiting for something else and you weren’t what they were waiting for whoops their bad you’re a happy bump in the road I know how it feels you treated others like they were just happy or even mediocre bumps in the road and now you’re finally that bump how does it feel now chump the past bumps who have by this time ironed themselves straight are laughing and laughing oh how they laugh I wonder how long I will wait what if I get the iron out right now oh that’s right I said it the iron I’ll start with my heart and end with that one toe that curves a bit too much to the left kiss me you fool oh you cant because you’re under a waterfall maybe that is your ding that is what you’re waiting for but that water will run cold and all you’ll be left with is a half ironed out heart broken fool.