Monday, June 12, 2006

He’s only famous because he’s been shot nine times

Today you are going to not only smile to your co-workers you are going to great them by their names and ask what they did on the weekend. You’ll make sure to have a twinkle in your eye as you ask and you’ll make just the right amount of eye contact. When they ask you what your week looks like you’ll give a short but intelligent answer about how the future looks hectic yet positive.

As you place your jacket on the back of your chair you will greet the person to your right and you’ll walk over to the new girl, greet her by name, and ask if she’s settling in alright. You say something that will bond the two of you almost instantly and then will go back to your desk and press *89 to check your phone messages.

Then the majority of your emails will be ‘thank you’ notes from almost strangers and your three bosses. You decide today is the day to introduce yourself to boss number four and you will shake his hand firmly. You know, as you shake his hand, your smile will be calming and he will complement you on your top, the perfectly pressed top you ironed an hour and a half ago. But first, the girls are calling you to come for coffee.

"Just half a sec," you sing as you reach for your wallet.A folded square piece of paper falls; you pick up the paper and discover it’s a love note.

"How did that get in there?" You sashay to your friends with embarrassed red cheeks. You shyly tell the girls about the note and they surround you looking over your shoulder reading the note aloud.

"'I’ll be waiting for you…' ohhhh," they say laughing. Then each quickly talks over each other explaining why they think you should elope and only invite the five of them.

After you get what everyone thinks is a white chocolate mochachino with whip, which actually is just hot water, you sit down and make important phone calls. You make sure to set up important business meetings over the phone during lunch hour and then you take your lunch at 2:30 because that’s when the gym is the emptiest.

Finally, with a bit of a head ache, you are about to leave for the day. You open your secret stationary drawer, write 'I love you more than when I did yesterday,' fold the paper into a perfect square and gently tuck it into your wallet for tomorrow.

Friday, June 02, 2006

I really miss you when you're not around

Friday nights at Meghan's house = OH MY GOD SO MUCH FUN!

That was a lie.

But, I do smell like strawberries and passion fruit - but there's no one to smell me.

I have teary eyes because I just came back from watching a sad show and now I'm lonely.

I'm chowing down on two Oreo cookies and a camp fire smoke smell is drifting into my room. Fuzz from trees are floating in slow motion past my window and I'm contemplating going back for more... cookies.