Tuesday, November 30, 2004

I think they may be right...

You are 33% geek
You are a geek liaison, which means you go both ways. You can hang out with normal people or you can hang out with geeks which means you often have geeks as friends and/or have a job where you have to mediate between geeks and normal people. This is an important role and one of which you should be proud. In fact, you can make a good deal of money as a translator.

Take the Polygeek Quiz at Thudfactor.com

Monday, November 29, 2004

I don't know who I am

I hate today. I hate procrastination. I hate drowning in chocolate. I hate pathetic dogs. I hate misery. I hate clumsiness. I hate avoiding the truth. I hate how I live in school. I hate fearing work. I hate being alone in a house. I hate phones that ring and those that don't. I hate not doing anything. I hate the voice in my head. I hate wonderful dreams. I hate waking up. I hate the scratch on my hand.

Screaming is overrated.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Then I'll dig a tunnel from my window to yours

Hello. I have wireless Internet. Haha! So little work and sleep will occur now that I have this fancy set up. WOOT!

CALLING ALL LIPS: You may or may not know I have a lip wall. I think it's cute and that's that. I have 5 lips but I need more. I'd say another 7 will do. I don't know if I know 7 people I feel are worthy enough for my lip wall. This may cause a problem in the future.

Do you notice a change in my blog? Not in the layout. I'd like to see a change in the layout but I'm too daft to do it. Anyway, do you see a change in my blog? I don't like what I write any more. I think I was more inspired in the summer. Eh who knows? School can do that to a person I guess; it will suck all the creative juices out of you. I hate! Semicolons. With a burning passion. It's so wishy-washy. It's like being on the fence in politics... but way worse. Boooo. I just hate how it looks.

Do teddy-bears have lips?

Thursday, November 25, 2004


I'm going to CJSW tonight. See if a boy mentions my name at 11 p.m. I took a bunch of pictures with my camera today. Reflections and shadows mostly...and my dog. I'm glad that it is working again. My camera that is. My dog still is broken.
Yeah that was a disappointing post. It's all I've got though. Bye for now.

Monday, November 22, 2004

look out below I'm letting go

Does anyone else hate Adobe Acrobat? I get really squeamish and frantic when the little muscle man and the other whooshing graphics of Acrobat pop up on my screen after I click on a link I think will take me to a web site. NO NO NOT ACROBAT! I plead while clicking ferociously on ‘stop’ or ‘back’. It’s almost bizarre how panicky I get hopping there’s still time to close the window before IT freezes and TAKES FOREVER to download.

Rachel doesn’t love my feet. When someone says “I love you” to me I expect them to love all of me.

“WELL, DO YOU LOVE MY CROTCH?” she retorted.

What a girl.

I miss work only because I don’t get to wait for the C-train downtown anymore. I used to see and hear some interesting stuff during the summer. Now when I do wait for the train, downtown, it’s with James and he’s distracting.


Freaking love. I only love girls, crotches?, and bizarre happenings. Geeez go back to rolling in your own fun. Leave my love out of it.

Well that was rambley perfection.

Friday, November 19, 2004

And the winner of this weeks "What the fuck?!" award goes too...

As I sit here listening to my washing machine make loud rickety sounds I wonder WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING.
The thing is I drank beer last night. WHO DRINKS BEER?
Obviously I do. It turns out...I don't really mind it...when it comes in personal sized pitchers. WHO THE HELL thought of putting beer in mini-ish pitchers intended not for sharing?
Also, water saves lives. It saves me. I didn't have one sip of water last night. Because Mr. Bar man was all busy selling underage drunks more BEER.
I blame him for my need for extra-strength Tylenol.
Last night was fun though. Met boys. Danced with a taken boy. Laughed a lot. Wore my pretty shoes. But I'm sooo going back to my hard alcohol/girly drink ways. AND WATER. Damn you beer. Damn you.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

I'm pretty sure I love you

Today I ate peas and soup. I had a hot cup of tea before leaving for school 15 minutes before class started. I was one minute late. My new bra has way to many pushing, squeezing, latching, denting components. Every time I take a breath it feels like my ribs are breaking and my lung is collapsing. I'm not prepared to look fake if that's what I have to live through. Not today anyway. Found out, again, saying "I love you" is foreign to some parent's mouths. That's alright I guess. I'm just going to say it more to make up for it.

Monday, November 15, 2004

you know what...


Sunday, November 14, 2004

The song I've been trying to say

"I want something to munch on," she said to me. "Something empty."
I still don't understand. But I like it. I love readings things that are a bit "off".
We're not zombies yet! When everyone starts groaning in unison we should start to worry.
Maybe it's the hormones. But I want to cry.
I have a stomach ache that reaches to my throat. One of those nervous-could-throw-up but because of love stomach aches.
Really if I compare love to throwing up and stomach aches...Then what?
"and if the snows buries my, my neighbourhood. And if my parents are crying then I'll dig a tunnel form my window to yours, yeah a tunnel from my windows to yours. You climb out the chimney and meet me in the middle, the middle of the town...We let our hair grow long and forget all we used to know, then our skin gets thicker from living out in the snow...You change all the lead sleepin' in my head to gold, as the day grows dim, I hear you sing a golden hymn, the song I've been trying to say," my new CD said.
The other day I was editing a restaurant review.
"'it’s like drinking innocence,' she sputtered."
I was so happy I had to read it again. Do people actually "sputter" things like that? Preparing to re-read I hoped, really hoped, that people do say things like that.
"'It’s like drinking incense,' she sputtered."
Never mind.

Monday, November 01, 2004

You, me, and the organ. Love is a wonderful thing.

A boy named Ian bought me an iced tea today.
I thought about asexual people.
Got a little depressed .
After learning more about asexuals got less depressed.
Listened to my new CD and I gotta tell you. It's good.
Dark, mysterious, sexy, hot.
Ok I'll calm down.
More something I'd really like in a significant other than music.
I'll take what I can get.
For now.
It's getting a little ridiculous though.
I want some freaking love.
DON'T even think about it unless you plan to FOLLOW THROUGH.
love you.
The song's playing again. Honestly no one even says anything in it.
Just a bunch of quick breaths in and out.
Maybe that's why I think it's hot.