I may be copying this idea from *someone’s* site but, I just wanna, ok?
So, use these few words and write a little something, something...
"As much as I like spring..."
Be inspired by them, or don't be inspired by them, or don't use the words, or just write what you want.
Ok. Comment. ALL OF YOU. Please.
Thank you.
I'll um...I'll do something for one of you. The 20th caller, I mean writer will recieve a gift. Yeah a gift. Or a gift for the person’s comment I like the best. The farther away the person lives the smaller the gift. But, it will still be a gift...and something wacky... but not too wacky.
Ok I think I’ve out stayed my welcome (that sentence was brought to you by Lins and the letter P (thanks lins)). Bye.
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Friday, October 15, 2004
I post weird poetic stuff no one understands
why is YOUR livejournal annoying?
HA! I do not! Ok...maybe it's true...I understand what I write and know what I'm trying to get at.
It’s that time again...
Unleashed in the darkness of forever.
Lies a cantaloupe of despair
Brighter it spills onto concrete
Glowing from the ever more or yesterday
Wait! Says I
A notion which seems never to recall
A cantaloupe, it occurs to me,
An open ended eye.
Ok that is something everyone doesn’t understand. Including me. Take that quiz! I'm not too sure what I proved right there.
Good day.
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
You know...
A friend recently said:
"You might miss a hole in your head...but you know, it's still a hole in your head."
You know?
"You might miss a hole in your head...but you know, it's still a hole in your head."
You know?
Sunday, October 10, 2004
thank you

The stench of Windex and turkey mix in the air.
While I mechanically wipe the dog slobber off the windows
I gag on the mist floating across the dinner table
I imagine all of us, guests included, dead
“Windex residue unknowingly mixed with turkey dinner.
five dead.”
The things I imagine while I mechanically wipe dog slobber off windows.
Sometimes imaginations are just annoying. And morbid. I always imagine the worst. Or sometimes the best.
We never said what we were thankful for this year. I remember it always being awkward.
“I’m thankful for you, and the dog and my garden…um…
“What about dad”
“Yes and dad.”
It always sounds so corny to say you’re thankful for having a roof over your head and enough food to eat. But should it?
Maybe instead of being thankful for the things you need to live be thankful for the silly stuff.
The world’s roofs and loaves of bread are tired of all the attention. While, the butterflies painted on my wall, which bring light to the little blue room, get few thank-yous.
Oh, no one died. Crisis averted…I guess it is still digesting. I better go lay down.
Monday, October 04, 2004
No one can screw the right way any hoo

When you find someone. No. When you loose someone. Do you immediately start comparing others to the first someone and refuse to stop until you find a someone that matches the last one's role? And then pound the old someone into the new someone until you've formed this wobbly not so stable last someone. So when you squint, cross your eyes, and hold your breath that new someone might resemble the old one. And maybe, they will let you talk to them like you did with the other. But they'll be very rickety about it all.
I miss saying "Hello" in the middle of an awkward conversation.
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